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Center for Reproducible Science


The CRS collaborates in research, teaching and dissemination with internal and external centers. Moreover, we actively support networking initiatives across UZH for subtopics related to reproducibility.

Internal collaborations

Animal Welfare and 3R

Center for Legal Data Science

Clinical Trials Center

Digital Society Initiative

Graduate Campus

Open Science Initiative

Open Science Office of UZH

Open Science Services


External partners

BHI QUEST Center for Transforming Biomedical Research

German Reproducibility Network

Open Science Center LMU Munich

Reproducible Research Oxford

Swiss Reproducibility Network

UK Reproducibility Network

Relevant links

BITSS Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences

Center for Open Science (COS)

ClinicalTrials A database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world

Cochrane High-quality information to make health decisions

COPE Promoting integrity in research and its publication

EQUATOR Network Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

German Reproducibility Network

ICMJE International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

Peer Review Congress Enhancing the quality and credibility of science

PubPeer Improving the quality of scientific research by enabling innovative approaches for community interaction

Swiss Reproducibility Network

The Center For Scientific Integrity Promoting transparency and integrity in science and scientific publishing

The Reward Alliance Increasing the value of research and reduce waste in research

UK Reproducibility Network