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Center for Reproducible Science

Reproducibility Lab Pitch

Reproducibility Lab pitches are workshops held by members of the CRS. They cover methodological topics regarding reproducibility and good research practice tailored towards the specific situation of the lab.

Former CRS postdoc Simon Schwab established statistical lab pitches with the biostatistics consulting team for clinics at USZ or institutes of the Faculty of Medicine. Examples of such workshops can be found here.                                               

The CRS promotes Reproducibility Lab Pitches in a wider context and is looking for collaborators with pertinent expertise. Please contact us if you are interested.

Statistical lab pitch on preregistration of model-based fMRI at neuroeconomics

Link to material
Gorka Fraga González, Hester van de Wiel
Date: December 6, 2023
Zurich Center for Neuroeconomics (ZNE), Department of Economics, University of Zurich

Statistical lab pitch in anatomy: study design and analysis

Link to material
Rachel Heyard
Date: February 16, 2023
Institute of Anatomy and Institute of veterinary pathology

Statistical lab pitch in neonatology: cross-over trials

Link to material
Stefanie von Felten, Charlotte Micheloud
Date: January, 2023
Newborn Research Zurich

Statistical lab pitch in traffic medicine: case studies

Link to material
Simon Schwab
Date: August 17, 2021
Institut für Rechtsmedizin

Statistical analysis in molecular cancer research: case studies

Link to material
Simon Schwab
Date: December 8, 2020
Institute of Molecular Cancer Research 

Statistical analysis in small sample research in biomedicine: case studies

Link to material
Simon Schwab
Date: October 25, 2019
Center of Experimental Rheumatology